Group calls on all political parties to endorse stronger gun laws and denounce NRA-style rhetoric and tactics of the gun lobby Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns welcomes the Liberal Party’s campaign platform announcement today, particularly the proposal to ban assault weapons. The evidence clearly shows restricting access to guns, and assault weapons in particular, reduces injury and death by firearm. Members of Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns see the devastation caused by guns on our patients, our communities suffer the impacts for years, and our public health care system bears the weight of preventable harm. With more than 80% of Canadians wanting stronger gun laws to restrict access to guns, now is the time move forward.
Our organization is also in support of measures to flag owners of firearms who may be deemed a risk to themselves or their families. Approximately 80% of gun deaths are suicides and firearms are the most common method used in the killing of women and girls according to the Canadian Femicide Observatory. The proposal to restrict access to handguns may have good intentions but is not the most effective measure available. As we have seen from the US, regionalized gun laws are insufficient in protecting people from injury and death. We strongly encourage a national ban on handguns. New rules on the storage of firearms and the purchase of ammunition are also welcomed. Earlier this week, Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns wrote all political parties asking for their positions on various elements of laws and policies to keep Canadians safe from guns. We have also specifically requested parties denounce the rhetoric and tactics of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights that is so harmful to having a respectful, evidence-based discussion on gun control. In addition to the mass filing of vexatious complaints to the professional college of Dr. Najma Ahmed, ultimately dismissed for appearing to be an abuse of process, the group has claimed the following: - the CDPG advocacy campaign could result in children being shot and killed by police officers, and doctors would “own” responsibility for it - - doctors involved in the campaign are "stepping on the throats" of people who own guns and trying to "discriminate" and "hurt" gun owners after hours - - “doctors will lie to you as easily as they breathe...we are going after them next" referring to medical associations endorsing CDPG - - a consultant to CDPG is “as bad a person” as lead Nazi propogandist Joseph Goebbels - Canadian political leaders must distance themselves from this NRA-style rhetoric and tactics. In the interim, Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns will continue to advocate for further restrictions on access to guns in our society to make our homes and communities safer. About Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns (CDPG) is a grassroots organization concerned about the increasing public health impact of firearms. We represent physicians working in collaboration with nurses, paramedics, rehabilitation specialists, psychologists, researchers and other front-line health care professionals. We have all witnessed first-hand the emotional and physical trauma and devastation caused by guns. CDPG calls for a comprehensive public policy response to this crisis in our communities, including preventative tools to reduce gun use and their consequences on youth violence, domestic abuse, and suicide. For more information please visit -30- For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: Christopher Holcroft Empower Consulting For Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns 416-996-0767 [email protected] For immediate release Toronto, ON, September 4 2019 Comments are closed.
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